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15年浙江宁波中考英语作文范文 -ag真人登录

时间:2023-03-25 04:45:05 作者: 字数:1355字


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  these days people talk a lot about the olympic gaames. students in our class have different oppinions about the ways to watch the games._______________________________________________________________

  参考中考英语作文范文:these days people talk a lot about the olympic gaames. students in our class have different oppinions about the ways to watch the games.

  most boys would like to watch games in beinjing. it's more exciting and amazing. what's more,they can get more chances to be close to the sports stars and take photos eith them.

  however,most girls prefer to watch games on tv at home. they would like to stay in a quiet place and enjoy choosing programs freely. they think they can also save a lot of time and money.

  i'd like to go to beijing to watch games. it will be a wonderful experience for me!(88 words)