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一般现在时的英语作文myfamily描述家人在客厅做什么? 三篇英语作文 1:my and my family members‘hobbies&nbs -ag真人登录

时间:2023-03-25 00:26:06 作者: 字数:968字


i have a happy family. there are five people in my family. my grandparents, my parents and i . my grandparents are retired. they go for a walk every day. my 正顶father is a doctor. sometimes he works in t提布刚市胶做孙节少冷练he day, sometimes at night. my 雷团剧mother is a teacher. she teaches math. she loves her students very much. i am a 双student. my favorite subjects at school are english and art.


my favorite season spring is beautiful and green. in spring, the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the clouds ar来自e white. i often wear a red sweater and blue jean. i can fly kites on the green grass. in march we can plant trees. in spring, the weather is always sunny and warm, usually i go shopping. sometimes i go hiking and climb mountains. i like spring.