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unit5rhythm -ag真人登录

时间:2023-01-29 06:44:08 作者: 字数:9411字

unit5rhythm -communication workshop&culture corner学案

1.blues started off as the music of african slaves brought to the united states.
   jazz grew out of blues.爵士乐起源于蓝调音乐。
   rock‘n’roll developed from fast blues.摇滚乐起源于快节奏的蓝调音乐。   
   start off as...
   grow out of...起源于……
   develop from...
   ①this custom started off as celebrations of harvest.
   ②all arts grew out of necessity.一切艺术皆因需要而产生。
   ③land animals are thought to have developed from sea animals.
2.it is closely related to the music of west africa.
   be related to 和……有联系;和……有亲戚关系
   ①neighbours are closely related as the lips and teeth.
   ②we are related to tom.我们和汤姆有亲戚关系。
   relating to...关于,和……有关的
   in/with relation to关于……;就……而论
   ③this is an article relating to nuclear weapons.
   ④he said a lot to us in/with relation to that thing.
3.improvisation happens when a musician plays unwritten music to fit the mood of the occasion.
   mood n.心情;氛围;语气
   in the mood to do/for doing 有做……的心情
   ①now i am not in the mood to read.现在我没心情看书。
   ②the city is in a festival mood.
   ③i think he is a man of moods.我认为他是一个喜怒无常的人。
   ④it is a little difficult for some students to learn the subjective mood in english.
4.i would like to recommend jim liu to take part in the show.
   recommend vt.
   recommend sb.sth.=recommend sth.to sb.向某人推荐……
   recommend sb.for...推荐某人做(某职位)
   recommend sb.as...推荐某人为……
   ①i’d like to recommend you a book on english study.
   ②most people recommend dictionaries as teachers.
   ③he will recommend you for the job.
   recommend doing
   recommend sb.to do
   recommend that-从句(从句动词用should do形式,should可省略)
   ④they recommended having meals first.他们建议先吃饭。
   ⑤he recommended the machine be checked completely.
   ⑥the doctor recommended the patient to take some jogging.

    according to the recent cctv news, a foreign teacher has organized his chinese students to collect rubbish in the streets. i was shocked when i was watching the news report on tv. to be frank, i feel a little ashamed about it. but at the same time, i think the teacher has set a shining example to us and we should learn from him. then, what should we do to protect our own environment?
    first, i think we should care for the environment in our daily lives. for example, we shouldn’t throw litter or spit in the streets. second, we should remind ourselves that it’s everybody's duty to help make our cities clean and beautiful and not just leave the job to the street cleaners. third, i think it’s necessary to enhance the public’s awareness of the importance of environmental protection.
    to summarize, i think everybody should learn from the foreign professor and do something to protect our environment.

    该篇习作很好地完成了写作要求所规定的任务,有分析、有思考、有倡议,符合开放式作文的要求。另外,作者也使用了一些较好的句式和文段过渡词,如...the teacher has set a shining example to us;first;second;third;to summarize等,从而使文章过渡自然,逻辑清晰。

【例1】people in chongqing are proud of ________ they have  achieved in the past ten years.             
a. that           b. which           c. what             d. how
【例2】we firmly believe that war never settles anything. it only ________ violence.                    
    a. runs into       b. comes from       c. leads to          d. begins with
【答案解析】选c。本题考查动词短语的意思。句意为:我们坚决认为战争不会解决任何事情,只会导致暴力。lead to“导致”。
【个性分析】run into“撞上”;come from“来自”;begin with“以……开始”,三者均不符合语境。
【例3】leave your key with a neighbor ________ you lock yourself out one day.                     
     a. ever since     b. even if           c. soon after         d. in case
【答案解析】选d。句意为:把你的钥匙放在邻居那里,以防你某一天把自己锁在门外进不来。in case“以免,以防”正合题意。
【个性分析】ever since“自从”;even if“即便,尽管”;soon after“之后,不久”,均不合语境。
